Content Marketing
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue (EAD)


This class aims to introduce students to the full-spectrum of social media and content management, by allowing them to produce content in line with SEO rules, set a clear digital marketing strategy, use relevant tools to measure its efficiency and apply relevant ajustments.

The class will cover the following topics:

  • Intro to Social Media

  • How Social Media influence the customer journey

  • Social Media Paid Ads

  • What is Content Marketing

  • Content and SEO

  • Content Ideation and creation

  • Lead Nurturing & Content Marketing

Compétences visées

●          Applying basic Social media marketing concepts

●          Using Platform Specific Features and Opportunities

●          Building a Community

●          Understanding the difference btw Customer Journey and Marketing Funnel

●          Identifying and engaging with an audience

●          Measuring results (KPI)

●          Understand the difference btw Social Media Organic and Paid

●          Create Customer Personas and manage audience

●          Create a campaign on Facebook or Twitter

●          Applying SCARF principle (Shareable, Clear, Auctionable, Relevant, Findable)

●          Managing  Content and the Customer Journey

●          Choosing the right Type of Content

●          Using and leveraging keywords

●          Maximizing the impact of your content

●          Measuring the performance of your content

●          Understanding the difference btw Lead generation and lead nurturing

●          Identifying the best content for different stages of the funnel

●          Applyinging Lead scoring

●          Transform visitors in customers